
Knowledge and Information
Optimizing your business is about your organization and the understanding how they work. Although you as executive or owner have a solid grasp of it's inner works, you must be in a position to easily explain to others how the work is accomplished, or laid down in paper the work organization as to visualize opportunities or areas where problems are arising and develop solutions.
This is how the fundamental idea of using processes, or as we call them here: flows, to describe what your organization is doing came about. This is also the reason why we design those processes to accomplish specific goals.
Since both your organization and it's associated flows are dependent on information (data or signals) and ultimately in the knowledge the organization has to accomplish its goals, that is important to have them documented.

We create flow entities for Money, Information, Work and Product to visualize the relevant parameters to your decisions on your operation performance.
We call them four flows, they let you analyze data across all platforms, vendors, operations and customers in a single value chain management view. Optimizes the connection between your operational efforts and your business results. Organizing the data this way, allow us to apply VALIDATA© a unique methodology to provide scale, standardization, while doing validation by comparing sensor data, to company information from other sources. Data validation implies: collection, scrubbing, organization and storage of data from your platforms into a cohesive secure entity to support your modeling and simulation needs and its data streams. Data organization solves problems and facilitate the creation of classification, regression, clustering and rule extraction models.

Information from 4FLOWS©
- What are we producing.
- How we do that production.
- Location
- Item
- Time
- Owner(Origin)
This data from your flows organized with 4FLOWS©, is also an excellent base for your efforts to create training and test data sets for machine learning, pattern recognition, classification and other artificial intelligence methodologies.
businessATLAS© output could feed your actual systems, machine controls, dashboards and Geo-Spatial-Temporal as well as the data for Money, Information, Work, and Materials Flows.
STHAL 4FLOWS© improve operations performance, with affordable technology, available to individual practitioners and small businesses.
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