Why Sustainable Technology?
Our solution with appropriate combination of signals and models to improve your operation, create conditions to help you to minimize waste and maximize resources, the main reason an operation brings to the business value over the long run.By combining and balancing short-term operational needs with long-term survival opportunities for efficiency improvement, a sustainable business is created. A sustainable business also oriented to support the environment by minimizing its operation ecological foot print.

Innovation & Automation for: Service Industries, Commercial, Manufacturing, Operations, Industrial, Offices and business environments, has been used for years by big corporations, as it proves to be the main reason of their competitiveness, we focus on small and medium businesses because the new technology developments, have drove the cost of sensors and processing the information down, and now there is not reason why any business can apply this technology regardless of their size and financial capabilities. Specially now days where inroads in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating unprecedented opportunities to conduct business in radically different and more effective ways.
We create digital maps and sensor packages to support models for simulations and artificial intelligence to visualize, predict and optimize your operation behavior.
Why modeling, simulation and AI?
Need: Come up with new processes for things like better food, efficient machinery, higher profits, less physically demanding and lifesaving labor practices.Problem: Small business owner overwhelmed deploying these technologies. While they are cheap, the know-how has become prohibitively expensive.
Solution: STHAL LLC can create your operation model and uncover unknown factors which might be forcing the business to behave, inefficiently, then with insights generated by our solution configure the operation to work as expected to create profitability.
Innovation: The promise of modeling and simulation, now in overdrive by the recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), is to vastly simplify the operation by exactly predicting the outcome of new processes, its improved business effect, and how it will interact within its environment.
Why focus in operations?
Processes are the operations roots, and process complexity creates inefficiency, diminishes margins and delays return of investments. Technology inadequately implemented strains operations, making difficult to serve customers. STHAL provides solutions to set in motion your company for a sustainable and profitable future.
Building a clear picture of the operation including its value chain logistics network is the first step for optimization. This enterprise wide picture allows companies to understand the cost drivers and current operational constrains.
STHAL's expertise in operations modeling, makes possible to build and test different scenarios under changing cost and constrain conditions to generate alternate policies and strategies to enhance the operation's ability to deliver profit.
Our mapping, visualization and prediction tool businessATLAS© makes this modeling accurate and effective.
Our businessATLAS© platform, helps you understand and balance your current data and systems, with appropriate combination of new signals you must capture to model and improve your operation.

Our modeling products uses methodologies derived by rigorous signal processing and data collection to emulate the physics underlying the operation and to develop the sustainable ideal model.
We model the flow of materials, work, money, and information for its impacts and potential.STHAL tool is: businessATLAS© it is a pre-wired container model for operations that creates digital map to catalog all available operations signals to feed training sets for visualization and prediction models.
STHAL digital maps are the building block for Geo-Spatial-Temporary operations visualization.
Signals catalogued, with data and information, in the digital maps feeds to simulation models to allow dynamic allocation for materials, work, money and information resources to support customer decisions.
We use fundamental statistical and graph theory for specific quantification of resource allocation, and uncertainty.We process non-structured data sources and apply, regular expressions, pattern recognition, machine learning, markov, direchlet and other advanced networking analytics.
We have state-of-the-art practices including: code verification, object programming, configuration and testing management, quality assurance for hardware, software and firmware. Our models run in Apple desktop and mobile platforms. They can be ported to other infrastructures.

Our products provide a range, from tactical--one to one or several to several process changes, to the strategic--industry level, multiple competitors, and market scenarios.
STHAL's technology for operations analysis can assist the customer company in their annual budget plans.
STHAL delivers a product adapted, deployed, and integrated to your operations to be supported and maintained by your team. For those customers that lack the modeling expertise to support the solution STHAL provides, when requested, we provide expert support under reasonable subscription contracts. For customers, that would like to justify the investment, with critical mission processes we also provide on-site support.